( 19 Articles )
The TransformAble project, led by the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, advanced technologies successfully developed through TILE (The Inclusive Learning Exchange,
http://inclusivelearning.ca/). The technology applies the “AccessForAll” international interoperability specifications to allow websites with digital cultural collections to transform the presentation of these online resources so that they are personalized to each individual user’s needs. For example, if a user who is visually impaired logs into a cultural site equipped with TransformAble, the size of the text will be increased, the colours of the background and text will be adjusted to enhance the contrast, and important information will be relocated within the view. Similarly, if a user who is deaf visits the same site, any videos requested will be displayed with text captions.
TransformAble joins Sakai

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Inclusive Authoring Tool
( 6 Articles )
Many cultural Website developers in Canada are not familiar with accessibility guidelines or policies or do not see accessibility as a priority in the design of their site. Since most developers of complex Web sites use a content management system (CMS) to create and maintain their Web site, this offers an opening for accessibility. If the major CMS tools could be induced to implement accessible authoring as a naturally integrated part of the authoring process, rather than as an afterthought, authors, even those lacking knowledge or motivation regarding accessibility, would be more likely to creat accessible sites as a result of using the tool. The Inclusive Authoring Tool project, led by the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, will enhance a popular open source editor for CMSs, TinyMCE, so that it will help to guide and encourage developers to create accessible Web sites. The goal is to comply with the W3C WAI Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)
TinyMCE Interface encourages development of Accessible Web Sites

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Integrated Cultural and New Media Production Workf
( 5 Articles )
This project developed exemplary practices and model production workflows that fully integrate inclusive design into cultural production. The project was based on the premise that if artists or producers more broadly define their audience (to include individuals with a variety of abilities) during the design and production phase of their work, then inclusive design will likely be more naturally integrated into the work, resulting in a richer experience. Building upon a successful initial pilot, the project partners Smiley Guys Studios and the Centre for Learning Technologies (Ryerson University) developed multiple episodes of the Web version of the animated TV show: "Odd Job Jack" with audio descriptions for people who cannot see seamlessly integrated into the narration. The project explored the cultural and business implications of this approach.
Integrating Inclusive Design Using LiveDescribe
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Modal Translation
( 4 Articles )
This project, undertaken by the McCord Museum, Adaptech and the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, explored processes by which content in one sensory modality could be made available in another in creative yet practical ways. These processes went beyond the traditional post-production translation alternatives such as captioning and video description, which provide specialized access for people with disabilities to techniques such as explorable soundscapes that can enhance the experience for all viewers while making visual images accessible to people with vision impairments. Multi-modal game design was also explored.
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Collaboration and Accessibility of Live Content
( 23 Articles )
Live cultural events present a great accessibility challenge because all interpretation, captioning and description must be performed on an impromptu basis. By developing and evaluating a number of live Webcasts that include real-time captions, audio descriptions and sign translation, this project addressed questions such as: what tools can assist the interpreter of live events, and how can the interpreter be better integrated as a member of the performance team? Tools that enable extended near-real-time captions and descriptions (developed through the Canadian Network for Inclusive Cultural Exchange) in online environments were enhanced as part of this project and are freely available. The partner on this project was the Centre for Learning Technology (Ryerson University).
Fashion come to life at the Mass Exodus Fashion Show

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( 8 Articles )
Most web sites are designed for an audience that is comfortable with text-based information. However, for cultures based on an oral tradtion, including many native Canadian cultures, this can be a barrier. The purpose of this project is to explore whether strategies previously developed to make online culture accessible to people with certain disabilities, such as people with print disabilities or who are deaf, can be used to benefit members of oral cultures. Through collaboration between the De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group and the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre the project explored how online environments can be designed to benefit both individuals with disabilities and individuals who are more comfortable in an oral tradition. A report produced as a result of these discussions is available at: http://culturall.atrc.utoronto.ca/other/intersection_report/.
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Artists as Innovators
( 11 Articles )
This project engaged cultural and new media producers, artists and researchers to address the inclusive design challenges of online cultural content and new media. Partners participating in the Artists as Innovators projects include Access Media Group, Canadian Abilities Foundation, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, Disability Studies (Ryerson University) and Canadian Film Centre. Projects include the accessible CulturAll documentaries, The Accessible Media Performance Project (AMPP), Writers with disabilities workshop, The CulturAll Summits, The Pioneers film documentary, Right or Left Unsaid accessible new media installations and the accessible Action Pact Into It new media sculpture installation. These engaging projects have challenged visual artists, musicians, writers, producers and the cultural audience to consider how accessibility can be a natural part of the artistic expression and experience.

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