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Instructions - Using PreferAble in Sakai

Using the PreferAble tool in Sakai

PreferAble may be used either in the Mercury portal or the Charon portal.

To use PreferAble in Mercury please enable Mercury, startup Sakai, log in and select PreferAble from the list of available tools. Please note that styling is only applied in Charon.

To make PreferAble available in user account workspaces in Charon, startup Sakai, login and:

1. Go to Worksite Setup
  • "Worksite Setup" is a link on the left side vertical navigation bar.

2. In Worksite Setup:
  • There is a list of sites near the bottom, preceded by a checkbox.
    • make sure that the one named "My Workspace" is checked. If you have logged in as the admin, make sure "Administration Workspace" is checked.
  • There is a horizontal list of links near the top, namely "New", "Revise", and "Delete"
  • Choose the "Revise" Link.

3. In Worksite Setup:
  • There is an "Edit Tools" link at the top.
    • choose the "Edit Tools" link.

4. In Worksite Setup: Revising site tools for My Workspace...:
  • There is a list of tools with the instruction to "Check boxes to add or remove tools from your site".
    • "PreferAble" should be listed, but without a checkbox. If a checkbox does appear, ensure it is checked.
  • Press the "Continue" button near the bottom.

5. In Worksite Setup: Confirming site tools for My Workspace:
  • You should see a list of tools available for your project with a parenthetical remark, "(added tools highlighted)".
    • PreferAble should appear in this list, and it will be in a different colour.
  • Press the "Finish" button.

PreferAble is now in the left vertical navigation bar. Select it to use it.
Last Updated on Friday, 13 April 2007 14:59